Best Acupuncture in Los Angeles

The Best Acupuncture, Best Oriental Medicine, Best Korean Medicine, and Best Chinese Herbal Medicine

Tuesday to Friday
9 AM - 5 PM
9 AM - 4 PM
Sunday & Monday
The Best Acupuncture, Best Chinese Herbal Medicine, and Best Korean Medicine in Los Angeles!

The Best Traditional Chinese Herbalist

Dr. James Choi, L.Ac.  Ph.D.


Best Acupuncture, Best Traditional Chinese Herbalist, Best Korean Herbalist, Best Korean Medicine, Best Oriental Medicine, and Best Chinese Herbal Medicine in Los Angeles, California.  Our clinic specializes in identifying the correct body type for all of our patients.  Dr. James Choi creates customized treatments for each patient to maximize their healing results safely and naturally.

About Us

Dr. James Choi is recognized as the Best Traditional Chinese Herbalist and the Best Korean Herbalist. Also, James Choi Acupuncture stands out as the best in Chinese herbal medicine, the best in Korean medicine, the best in Oriental herbal medicine, and the best Acupuncture in Los Angeles, California. Dr. James Choi specializes in personalized treatment plans aimed at improving healing results safely and naturally.  read more >

Frequently Asked Questions

Oriental medicine is the oldest form of medicine in the world. It restores health and balance by treating illness and disease through the Five Major Branches of Oriental Medicine, which include: Acupuncture, Chinese Herbal Medicine, Oriental Nutrition, Dietary Therapy, Tuina, Oriental Bodywork, Tai Chi and Qi Gong.
Sasang Medicine (SM) or Sassang Constitutional Medicine (SCM) is a unique form of Traditional Korean Medicine that divides human beings into four constitutional types (Tae-Yang: TY, Tae-Eum: TE, So-Yang: SY, and So-Eum: SE), which differ in inherited characteristics, such as external appearance, personality traits, susceptibility to particular diseases, drug responses, and equilibrium among internal organ functions.
Just call us 323.731.7100, English / Spanish
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Sasang Medicine

Sasang[Sa-Sáng] constitutional medicine is a traditional Korean medicine, which was founded by Jae-Ma Lee and systematically theorized in his book “Dong-Yi-Soo-Se-Bo-Won” [the principle of life preservation in oriental medicine] in 1894.

Major distinctions of the body are formed during incubation period of life, rendering person’s predisposed weakness and strength. This prenatal imbalance determines a person’s constitution, physiology, pathology, emotional orientation and nature.   read more >