Dr. Mulder is on vacation. All pacients are rederected to dr. Sarah Harring.

Dr. Fox Mulder

2nd Floor
Dermatology Ward: Room 204
Degree in Intern Medicine
7 years in MedicPress team
Assigned nurse: Garcia Jenny
Book an Appointment
Monday - Friday
8:00 - 16:00
8:00 - 16:00
Not working

About Me

World over people use massage therapy to help promote healthy skin, nourish and strengthen the body, relieve stress, reduce pain, and encourage balance and well being. Massage opens and increases the flow of energy, balancing the entire nervous system and helping to release physical and emotional disharmony.

The many benefits of massage are enhanced by the use of high quality massage oil. Apricot tree is the member of the rose family originating from Central and East Asia. The fruit, rich


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Sucess Stories and Testimonials